Basics of working in the affiliate network

This text is designed for site owners who want to earn from their resource. In order to earn successfully, it is important to choose the right products and product categories, as well as the appropriate placement thereof on your site.

Getting started

Choose a thematic product category that is close and understandable to you from the buyer's point of view. How would you search for such a product or service? Try to determine what about this product is important to the buyer.

If you have a site built around a particular sphere, it is not always a good idea to list products that are close thematically. Your audience might also be interested in other products from related industries. And so, according to the sale results of other affiliates, such products might be more popular with your visitors.

Pay attention to the frequency of requests for the name of a product. A product that is rarely requested will rarely be sold.

Find 3-5 sites on the Internet that offer the selected product/service. Analyze what you personally like/dislike about these sites and thus make a list of information you need for a successful purchase.

Product information placement

Posting information about a particular product in a review article or post is the most effective and also the most time consuming. You can also choose to place a product showcase (photo, title, price, link/button "buy"), a text showcase (title, description, price, link/button "buy") or an affiliate store (product column with categories, detailed description and shopping cart).

Depending on the format you have chosen, proceed with designing the page, section or advertising block where you will put information about the products on your website or blog. This can be a block with recommendations, a page with a mini-catalogue of products, a catalog of review articles on products or product categories, or a small text block with interesting facts about the product with a link to the article about the product.

Feel free to write product descriptions and texts for product articles in your own words. Texts copied from the online store's website or even someone else's website may be misunderstood by your particular visitor. Also, it can cause your page to be excluded from search engines due to duplicate content. 

Attracting customers

Your main potential buyers are the current visitors of your website. If their volume is low, you need to attract visitors from outside sources directed specifically to your product selling pages. The simplest way and, under certain conditions, completely free of charge, is SEO (search engine optimization) which attracts users from search engines.

Determining factors are the correct phrasing of the key request, optimizing the page text for it and providing 5-10 external links to the page containing the request. Type in the name of your product and look for unconventional wording of the request. The right column will also help you to search for synonym requests. You will be surprised by the diversity of phrasing the requests and the imagination of their authors.

Try not to use key phrases with a large number of requests. When promoting them you will have to compete with professional SEOs and you won't be able to do without paid links. An interesting page with unique text alone attracts incoming links. Additionally, you can place a free link to the product page in the comments section of blogs, forums, catalogs, notice boards, swap links with related sites, or in Q&A services.

Analysis of sales statistics

Analyze the statistics of impressions of your product, and the clicks-to-sales ratio. Compare this data with the statistics of sales of the product in the system as a whole. If the conversion of impressions into clicks and clicks into sales on your site is lower than that of other affiliates, then either your audience isn't interested in the product, or you have not presented it well enough.

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Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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