How to interest affiliates?

Of course, you can upload all your products to the affiliate network, assign a percentage as you wish and wait for sales. affiliates will not be interested in your products and they will not be engaged in the promotion of your online store. affiliates are engaged in the promotion and sales of goods, not a store. To work more efficiently with the system and promote your online store in our affiliate network, allocate time to analyze other stores’ offers and needs of our affiliates.

Consider the factors that affect the attractiveness of the product for affiliates.

The interest of affiliates in the promotion of goods of a particular online store is influenced by the thematic category of the goods. The most popular for promotion from affiliates are:

  • consumer goods of immediate demand, which the buyer, usually, purchases immediately, as they can quickly receive their percentage;
  • expensive deferred goods, from which they will not receive a percentage immediately, but its size is significant;
  • seasonal goods during the period of growth in demand for them.

The deciding, yet the not only factor, is the commission. Evidently, if most of the shops place a commission within a 10-15% range on items that are similar to yours, while your commission is around 7%, then your products will simply be of no interest to affiliates. Hence, they will not promote your online store. 

Pay special attention to your shop’s appearance and its “friendliness” to its potential client. This could also be a factor for selecting your shop’s items. Everything in your store should be aimed at turning your visitor into a client: use an interesting product description, photos from various angles, or a unique website layout.

Sticking to these simple recommendations can help you significantly promote your online store in our affiliate network.

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Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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