Attracting clients to the store

As you work with products in the system, affiliates mostly use the product description and uploaded image you provide. That is why attracting clients and most sales depend on a smart product description. 

In some product categories that feature dozens of similar product offers from various stores, copying the product description and characteristics from the product page on your website will be sufficient to attract the attention of clients to your product.

Affiliates place your product on their platforms in 4 formats.

  1. Contextual placement of a single specific product.
  2. A showcase of products (photo, name, price, “buy” link/button).
  3. A text showcase (name, description, price, “buy” link/button).
  4. Affiliate store (a rubricator of products with categories, a detailed description and a bin).

Respectively, if there is no information about your product necessary for the demonstration format, it will not be displayed in the block, even if it has already been selected by a partner.

To cover all possible formats for attracting customers to the store, the following information about the product is necessary:

A brief description. The description should be as short as possible, concise and appealing to the potential customer.

Photo. A photo of the product is used when displaying it in the showcase and in the affiliate store. At least a small preview photo is needed.

Detailed description. A detailed description is used when a product is displayed in an affiliate store. Ideally, the text of this description should be different from the description of the goods on your main site, so you do not have problems with the filters of non-unique content in search engines.

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Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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