Terms of the affiliate program

Websites should not contain pornographic and other prohibited content. Websites that have content that offends users and promotes inequality in gender, race, nationality, religion, social and financial status won’t be allowed to participate in the affiliate network.

Other reasons for not being able to participate in the affiliate network:

  • Online casino sites, unmoderated forums, file exchangers, noticeboards and website catalogs;
  • Sites that do not have their own content, or that feature content that is misleading;
  • Sites that upload viruses, trojans and other harmful software to user computers;
  • Sites that use spam as a means of advertising.

The administration of the affiliate network has the right to refuse participation to any online store or affiliate at any time, without prior notice and explanation.

Should a user of the affiliate network need to register another account in the system, it is prohibited to sign up with his or her own referral link. The affiliate program is designed to attract new users to the system. In the case described above, there is no actual attraction of a new user to the system, so the administration of the affiliate network considers such actions as fraud. If a fictitious referral is detected, the administration cancels the affiliate commission and also reserves the right to block both accounts.

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Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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