Ways to make money in the affiliate network

There are two main ways of earning money from your website or blog in KIT CPA. One is getting a percentage from the sales of the goods offered by the online stores participating in the system. The other is getting a percentage from the earnings of the referrals you brought in.


Goods can be promoted in three ways: passive, active-passive and active sales.

The passive approach requires minimal time and effort and yields an indefinite effect. The simplest thing you can do is place the affiliate link to the product in your signature on forums and emails. This will make all the readers of your posts potential customers.

It goes without saying that the primary method of product promotion is to place product links and ad units on your website and blog. Its passive in that you post content on your site once and then monitor sales. As for the activity, you can additionally draw visitors to your site and periodically change the contents of your ad units.

Active sales are actions that you take on a regular basis. Only then will they bring results. But also the volume of sales from them will be more than in passive sales. Forums and blogs should be mentioned here first of all. Participate in discussions about the subject of your chosen products, discuss specific products and leave referral links. In addition, you can leave reviews of the products on the resources where such customer feedback is provided.

Bringing in referrals

You can earn money not only by selling products but also by referring affiliates to us. We will pay you a percent of your referred affiliate's income.

Tell your friends about our affiliate network and some of them might be interested in becoming your referral. Recommendations from friends and acquaintances have always been more valuable than ad texts. Open your contact list, ask your friends to open theirs. Potential customers may be among your contacts. You can use a special function of our interface to invite your friends via email.

It makes perfect sense to treat your own search for referrals as if you were hiring employees. Visit forums about affiliate programs, talk about our system and its advantages. Ads with offers to earn money will also do. They can be placed in job search forums, on electronic notice boards, on webmasters and freelancers forums.

Be sure to indicate in the announcement that they will need to promote the products of online stores, and payment is made for the result, not for the action. The Internet has a huge number of ads for participation in affiliate programs, where the money is paid by the sponsor for certain work (viewing ads, clicking on links, opening emails, etc.), save your time.

After that, you'll have to explain to the respondents the way the affiliate program works, what they'll have to do and give them your link for signing up. Then, those who are interested will need to be told about how they can attract clients. Show them the articles for affiliates on our site. Even better, if you already have personal experience that you can share with them.

After you have formed a team of affiliates, you will only have to help your referrals, periodically search for new ones and get the percentages you deserve.

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Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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