What is an affiliate program

An affiliate program is a type of promotional activity of an online-shop or service aimed at increasing sales. The store provides affiliate links, banners, texts for advertising their goods and pays a percentage of customers' purchases, which were made through the affiliate's advertising.

The affiliate program as a means of income

The main difference of an affiliate program from other ways of making money on the Internet is that the payment goes for the result, i.e. registration or sale. However, there are also programs which pay for clicks (transitioning from your site to the advertised site) or displays of promotional materials, but they are not so many.

Affiliate programs are considered a way for publishers who are website owners to make money. But you can still earn from an affiliate program without having your own site. You can advertise your site and affiliate program products by placing your referral link in your signature on forums, in your blog, or on social media. You can also place banners and text links on other sites. Any method is good, except spam. This kind of advertising is a violation of the rules of the affiliate program. It can be easily detected and instead of earning money you will get your account blocked in the affiliate program.

The affiliate program for online stores is quite peculiar. The main point of interest is that you are offering really useful and necessary goods to the visitors of your website, blog or social meida account.

Affiliate program or affiliate network?

An affiliate network combines hundreds of online stores and millions of products. So,it gives you more opportunities for earnings than a single affiliate program. The advantage of the affiliate network is that due to publicly available statistics of sales in the system, you can choose and promote the most profitable products.

With an affiliate network, you can quickly and easily pick up new products and switch from one store to another until you find the best option for your income. By participating in several different affiliate programs, it will be harder and longer for you to do so. In addition, a site that is decorated with banners and text ads from affiliate programs is not attractive for potential clients and sales for each specific affiliate program will be low.

When creating an affiliate program, most online stores and offline companies focus on long-term cooperation with affiliates and stable earnings for both parties. Keep in mind that most of the world's largest goods manufacturers sell their products around the world, mainly due to affiliates: dealers, representatives and distributors.

When working in our affiliate network you are guaranteed:

  1. Honest payouts and online sales statistics. You can constantly see the change in your impressions, conversions and sales. There is no hidden data in such a transparent and accessible system. You will receive your earnings for all the goods sold with your help.
  2. Affiliate support and training. Your cooperation with us is not limited to sales and referrals. We try to help our affiliates in their affiliate work. After all, perfecting your skills leads not only to the growth of your income, but also to ours and the stores cooperating with us. 
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Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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