Web extension

This is a Google Chrome browser extension "KIT CPA - Affiliate Programs", which allows you to turn a direct link to any page of the advertiser's site into an affiliate link without leaving the site of the offer.

Detailed instructions on installing and using the extension:

1. Install the plugin and make sure that it's activated in your browser settings. 

2. Open the installed plugin in the browser window to get started.

For your convenience we recommend you to pin the icon in front of the address bar. This way it will always be at hand.

3. Next, in the window that appears, click "View affiliate list".

Note that if you are not authorized in your KIT CPA personal cabinet, you will be prompted to go to the authorization page to proceed.

4. After you click the button, you will be taken to the page with the offers. Here you'll see a list of all active advertisers. There is a handy search tool by advertisers; you can use it to select relevant offers in a convenient format.

5. Now about the main function of the plugin

In a new tab, open the advertiser's website you are interested in. Activate the plugin once you're on the page. It will open a convenient tool for creating affiliate links. This makes working with the tool much easier, because now you do not need to go through additional steps in your personal account.

Also here you can add one or more sub_id.

6. Then just copy the link, and your deeplink is ready!


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Read also
Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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