Types of traffic

Contextual advertising

This is a type of traffic in which ads are displayed according to the search request and interest of the user. Ads can come in the form of text, a banner, or a video with an affiliate link inside.

Contextual brand advertising

A type of traffic in which the keywords of an ad contain the name of the advertiser's brand (including in other languages), transliteration and any derivatives, including any part of the brand name and/or derivatives. The stop list in the program description is an extension of the general rule of using contextuals in brands.

Targeted advertising on social media

This is a type of traffic that uses ads of different types (text, photo, video) on social networks. 

Discount and coupon aggregators

Sites and services that offer users discount coupons for the products or services of the advertisers.


Services, Loyalty Programs - services which allow users to get back a portion of the money spent on a purchase.

Teaser advertising

A type of traffic which uses advertising materials in the form of a small picture with an intriguing or provocative text.

Groups in social media/Messengers

The kind of traffic in which links/advertisements are placed in group posts or sent in the form of messages. 


A type of traffic in which auto-generated sites filled with multiple keywords are used. Sites are used to redirect users to another promoted resource.

Email newsletter

A type of traffic that uses automated sending of emails to a specific group of recipients (users) who have given their consent to receive the newsletter.

Mobile traffic

Type of traffic which uses mobile devices (mobile phones/smartphones, tablets) to navigate ads.


A type of traffic that uses a transparent advertising module that opens a new tab when you click on any part of the screen.

Video content

A type of traffic where ads are placed in video content services.

Banner ads

A type of traffic in which ads are placed using graphic images on websites.  

Push Ads

Messages or pop-ups on the screen of a user's desktop or mobile device. These messages appear on top of all open windows on the device and may remain on the screen for a long time.

Motivated traffic

Type of traffic where users are attracted by the promise of a reward for an action they have taken ( registering/ordering).

Adult traffic

Type of traffic which uses sites with adult content 18+ (pornographic and erotic resources, 18+ public pages, etc.).


A site which provides all the information about the internet stores' products (images, prices, description). However, in order to buy the product, the user goes to the original site of the advertiser.

SMS traffic

A type of traffic that uses automated SMS distribution to a specific group of mobile network subscribers who have given their consent to receive these messages. 

Content sites

Resources with updated content. These sites contain photos, videos, infographics and articles.


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Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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