For stores

Do you want to increase sales in your online store? We can help you with this. KIT CPA is a huge network of online marketplaces that know how to sell your product. You pay only for the result, percentage from each sale made. We observe the placement and sales of your goods on the websites, you track the statistics in real time through the web interface.

Our advantages

  • You get access to a huge number of our affiliates, active people who are able to sell your products.
  • You get a user-friendly interface to manage your Affiliate Programs and carefully track their results. The number of clicks, the number of sales, the quality of traffic and profit. We will calculate all this and provide it to you in the form of reports and graphs.
  • We take on the problem of counting with our affiliates. At any time you can see how much you have earned and how much your affiliates have earned. You just have to deposit your account in our system every month.

How to begin?

To start working in the system, it is enough to sign up as a store, form the conditions of the affiliate program and upload your products.

How to interest affiliates?

Of course, you can upload all your products to the affiliate network, assign a percentage as you wish and wait for sales. However, in order to work more effectively with the system, take the time to analyze the offer of other stores.

Attracting customers 

When working with goods in the system, affiliates in most cases use the text of the description of the goods written by you and the uploaded image. Therefore, a large part of sales depends on a well-written product description. Here are some tips on how to better present and sell your product in the affiliate network. 

Payments for affiliates

Affiliates are paid through our system. The system takes into consideration each sale, and percentage of payments to affiliates are made once a month.

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Read also
Terms of getting accepted to affiliate network
Means of income in affilaite network
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