General terms
New Customers: 6.4%
Existing Customers: 3.2%
Beauty Box (Christmas Advent Calendar): 6.4%
Brandbidding is strictly prohibited
Commissions will not be paid where there is evidence of any paid search activity on brand terms without prior authorisation. This includes permutations, misspellings and broad matches containing brand terms (generic is fine).
Restrictions include, but are not limited to the following:
Site Specific Guidelines
In addition to the General Guidelines outlined previously, when working with The Hut Group, affiliates must add the following terms as negative broad match to all PPC activity on any platform:
{Elemis + .hk variations}
Unless prior written consent is granted by the Group PPC Department, affiliates are not permitted to bid, or appear, on hybrid brand searches.
I.E {“ Elemis+ (product)”, “Elemis+ voucher”, “Elemis+ discount”, “Elemis+ offers”}
Any affiliates found contravening any of the above conditions will be contacted by the Group PPC & Affiliate Teams and anyone in breach of these conditions may have their commissions declined and face suspension from the programme.