General terms
Paid Subscription - GRE: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - GMAT: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - ACT: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - SAT: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - IELTS: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - IELTSGT: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - TOEFL: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - LSAT: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - MCAT: 8,1% USD
Paid Subscription - Speaking: 8,1% USD
- Sites that promote sexually explicit material or violence.
- Sites that promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin, or physical disability.
- Sites that promote illegal activities.
- Sites or verbiage making medical claims in regards to our products/services (ie. the curing or recession of an ailment)
Breaking of the rules such as:
-bidding on the following trademarks, domain names and or variations of them and any that were overlooked in this agreement but obvious in their,Magoosh,
-TM and TM+keywords
- You may include information on The Company in email Acknowledgement Messages for orders and inquiries that you receive so long as it is stated upfront that you will be sending them an acknowledgement.Affiliate agrees to not utilize Spam in promoting the Magoosh program.
The Company also considers ANY type of advertisement about The Company posted to a Newsgroup or Chat Room to be spam.
The unauthorized use of promotional offers taken from another website is strictly forbidden and may result in the termination of this agreement.